practice Python Fundamentals:

So, you have learned about variables in Python, if-else in python, for loop, while loop, functions, and getting user’s input in Python. Great. What is the next step to practice these Python concepts and improve your skills?

There are several ways you can practice and improve your skills with the Python concepts you’ve learned, such as variables, if-else statements, loops, and user input:

6 ways to improve python skills

  1. Practice writing code: The best way to improve your skills is to practice writing code. You can try writing small programs that use the concepts you’ve learned. I suggest to use Thonny IDE or an online IDE such as to have a quick setup. For example, you can write a program that asks the user for their name and age, and then uses an if-else statement to determine if they are a teenager or not. Below the list you can find example projects.
  2. Solve coding challenges: There are many websites that offer coding challenges, such as Python Principles, HackerRank, and Edabit. These challenges will help you practice your problem-solving skills and test your understanding of the concepts you’ve learned.
  3. Build a small project: Try building a small project that uses the concepts you’ve learned. It could be a simple game, a currency converter, or a weather app. This will give you a chance to apply the concepts in a real-world scenario and help you understand how they can be used together. Check my Youtube Channel for example for web apps using streamlit or Django, or Bottle.
  4. Join online communities: Joining online communities such as PySlackers, Python Discord, Python discussion forums, Facebook groups, or Stack Overflow is a great way to find answers to your questions, get feedback on your code, and learn from other experienced developers.
  5. Learn additional libraries: Python has a lot of libraries that can help you with various tasks. For example, BeautifulSoup for Web Scraping, Matplotlib for data visualization, and Pandas for data manipulation. These libraries can help you take your skills to the next level.
  6. Keep learning: Keep learning new concepts in Python, such as functions, classes, and modules, especially Object Oriented Programming These concepts will help you write more organized and efficient code.

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Here are more than 40 Python Beginner projects :

It’s also important to remember to take breaks and not to get overwhelmed. Practice consistently, rather than trying to cram everything at once. And most importantly, have fun and enjoy the process of learning Python!

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