What is XML, and How Does It Differ from HTML?

If you’re starting to work with web data in Python, you’ll often come across two markup languages: XML (eXtensible Markup Language) and HTML (HyperText Markup Language). Both are essential for structuring and presenting data, but they serve different purposes:

  • HTML focuses on how data is displayed on web pages, using predefined tags.
  • XML focuses on transporting and storing data, allowing you to define custom tags based on the content.

Why XML is Important:

  1. Cross-Platform and Language-Independent: XML works across different platforms and programming languages.
  2. Separation of Data and Presentation: Unlike HTML, XML separates the data itself from how it’s presented.
  3. Human-Readable: XML is easily readable by both humans and machines.
  4. Flexible Structure: You can define your own tags, making XML suitable for any data model.
  5. Data Integrity: XML is ideal for applications that require a strict organization of data.

In this beginner’s guide, we’ll dive into LXML, a powerful Python library used to process XML and HTML data efficiently. you can also use this library for web scraping. I have a few tutorials on web scraping HERE.

Why Choose lxml?

  • Fast Parsing: lxml is one of the fastest ways to parse both XML and HTML in Python.
  • XPath & CSS Selectors: It offers powerful navigation using XPath or CSS selectors, making it versatile for web scraping and data extraction.

Getting Started with LXML

To begin using lxml, install it via pip:

pip install lxml

Once installed, you can import the necessary modules:

from lxml import etree
from lxml.html import fromstring

How to Parse XML and HTML with lxml

Using lxml, you can parse both XML and HTML data easily. Here’s a quick example:

Parsing XML:

# XML content to parse
xml_content = '''
    <book id="1">
        <title>Python Programming</title>
        <author>John Smith</author>
    <book id="2">
        <title>Mastering XML</title>
        <author>Jane Doe</author>

# Parse XML content
xml_root = etree.fromstring(xml_content)

Parsing HTML:

html_content = '''
        <div id="main">
            <h1>Learning lxml</h1>
            <p>This is a simple guide.</p>

# Parse HTML content
html_root = fromstring(html_content)

Navigating XML/HTML Trees with XPath

lxml represents your data as a tree structure, where you can easily navigate using XPath, a query language designed to extract elements and attributes from XML and HTML documents.

Common XPath Syntax:

  • /: Selects from the root node.
  • //: Selects nodes anywhere in the document.
  • .: Refers to the current node.
  • ..: Selects the parent of the current node.
  • @: Selects an attribute.


# Extract all 'title' elements from the XML
titles = xml_root.xpath('//title/text()')
print(titles)  # Output: ['Python Programming', 'Mastering XML']

# Extract the title of the book with id="1"
book_title = xml_root.xpath('//book[@id="1"]/title/text()')
print(book_title)  # Output: ['Python Programming']

# Get all 'book' ids
book_ids = xml_root.xpath('//book/@id')
print(book_ids)  # Output: ['1', '2']

XPath is powerful for precise selection of elements, whether by tag names, attributes, or structure.

Using the ElementTree API

Alongside XPath, lxml also supports ElementTree methods like find(), findall(), and findtext() for more straightforward element searches.


# Find the first 'book' element
first_book = xml_root.find('book')
print(first_book.find('title').text)  # Output: Python Programming

# Find all 'book' elements
all_books = xml_root.findall('book')
for book in all_books:
    print(book.find('author').text)  # Output: John Smith, Jane Doe

These methods are ideal for simple traversals when working with smaller datasets.

Selecting Elements Using CSS Selectors

For HTML parsing, lxml supports CSS selectors through the lxml.cssselect module, making it easier to work with HTML when you’re familiar with web development tools like CSS.


from lxml.cssselect import CSSSelector

# Select all 'p' elements with class 'highlight'
sel = CSSSelector('p.highlight')
highlighted_elements = sel(html_root)

# Select element by ID
header = CSSSelector('#main')(html_root)

# Select elements by attribute
links = CSSSelector('a[href]')(html_root)

This CSS selector approach is especially useful when scraping websites or parsing HTML documents.

Creating and Modifying XML/HTML Elements

You can also create or modify elements in your XML/HTML tree:

# Create a new element
new_element = etree.Element('new')
new_element.text = 'This is a new element'

# Modify an attribute
xml_root.set('id', 'main')

# Remove an element
old_element = xml_root.find('old')
if old_element is not None:

Serializing the Tree Back to XML or HTML

Once you’ve made changes, you may want to serialize the tree back into XML or HTML format for saving or transmission:

# Serialize XML
xml_string = etree.tostring(xml_root, pretty_print=True).decode()

# Serialize HTML
html_string = etree.tostring(html_root, pretty_print=True, method="html").decode()

Why Use lxml?

  • Speed and Efficiency: lxml is highly optimized for parsing large XML or HTML files.
  • XPath and CSS Selector Support: Offers powerful querying and selection mechanisms.
  • Flexibility: Works with both XML and HTML, making it a versatile tool for data extraction.
  • ElementTree API: Provides a simple yet robust interface for navigating and modifying documents.


In this beginner’s guide, we’ve explored how to use the lxml library in Python for processing XML and HTML data. Whether you’re parsing structured XML documents or scraping web pages, lxml offers the flexibility and power to make your tasks easier and more efficient.

By mastering XPath, CSS selectors, and the ElementTree API, you’ll be well-equipped to handle complex XML/HTML tasks in Python.

Start using lxml today and experience its speed and versatility for yourself.

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